1. Support Hours Customer Support is available 5 days a week Monday thru Friday during business hours of 7AM to 4PM PST/PDT.

2. Service Level Standards Each inquiry is treated as a priority and will be responded to by technically proficient representatives. Customer support is generally available for all users during support business hours, with the following response time service level goals.

a. The average response time standard is six (6) support business hours for email and offline chat message inquiries.

b. The average response time standard is twelve (12) support business hours for phone messages.

3. Scope of Services Comergence provides technical support to all licensed users regarding access to and use of Comergence software. Comergence does not provide support for web applications, scripts or components from third parties not provided by Comergence. Comergence does not provide support for hardware, network or components developed by Customers. Non-technical support is provided on a fee per incident basis.

a. Technical Support All technical support is provided to licensed Customers free of charge. Comergence may utilize an incident management process to identify and track problems reported by Customers. Examples of technical support are system features not functioning as designed.

b. Non Technical Support Customers may be charged for non-technical support on a per incident basis at a rate of $20.00 per incident. Examples of non-technical support are forgotten username or password inquiries.

c. Incidents and Priority Levels Reported incidents may be assigned a ticket number for tracking. The priority level is determined by Comergence and sets the severity of an issue.

i. Response Time Comergence will respond to all reported incidents within the defined Service Level Standards time frame. Comergence will provide updates upon Customer request for P-1 incidents not resolved within three (3) business days.

ii. Resolution Incidents are resolved based on priority level and development schedule. Resolution time frame estimates are not available until a resolution has been identified and tested and is cleared for release to production.

iii. Priority Level Definitions:

1. P-1 Critical - A persistent error affecting a large number of users and major functionality. No reasonable workaround available. Resolution required as soon as reasonably available.

2. P-2 Important - Error affecting a large number of users. A short-term workaround is available, but not scalable. Resolution required as soon as reasonably practical.

3. P-3 High - Error affecting a small number of users or non-critical functionality. Reasonable workaround available. Resolution required when reasonably practical.

4. P-4 Medium - Inquiry regarding a routine technical issue; error affecting a single user. Reasonable workaround available. Resolution determined by Comergence development schedule.

5. P-5 Low - Information requested on application capabilities, navigation, installation or configuration. Error affecting a single user. Reasonable workaround available. Resolution determined by Comergence development schedule.

4. System Uptime Goal The system uptime goal is ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent (99.99%) per month in Uptime. Uptime is defined as Customer’s ability to transmit and receive information to/from Comergence servers.. Excluding regularly scheduled maintenance as described below, an outage is defined as any downtime interruption in excess of fifteen (15) minutes in the availability of the Comergence servers, or network connection between the Comergence server and the internet. View uptime, HERE.

5. SLA Exemptions The following items or situations are exempt from Comergence System Uptime Goal:

a. Unavailability of Comergence service during scheduled maintenance windows or any other scheduled downtime activity.

b. Issues caused by Customer’s equipment and internet connections.

c. Unavailability of third party applications outside the control of Comergence.

d. Attacks (i.e. hacks, denial of service attacks, viruses) by third parties, and other acts not caused by Comergence.

e. Events of force majeure, including acts of war, god, earthquake, flood, embargo, riot, sabotage, labor dispute (outside of Comergence own employees), government act, or failure of the internet.

6. Comergence Outage Reporting Comergence shall notify Customer as soon as possible of any unscheduled outages. Customer shall receive hourly updates until resolution.

Remedy Comergence shall not be responsible for outages due to causes beyond Comergence reasonable control. Customer may terminate the Subscription upon thirty (30) days written notice to Comergence in the event of system outages exceeding the limitations of the System Uptime Goal occurring in three (3) consecutive months during any calendar year, or in the event of a single outage exceeding forty-eight (48) hours.

7. Maintenance Definitions

a. Maintenance Window: Unless categorized as an emergency maintenance window, Comergence follows a daily maintenance schedule from 8PM – 6AM PST/PDT.

b. Scheduled Downtime: Scheduled time to perform routine non-emergency or emergency maintenance on hardware, software or related equipment. All scheduled downtime is generally scheduled during the maintenance window.

c. Downtime: Time that the system is not available which is not scheduled downtime.

8. End of Availability Comergence may at its discretion decide to retire any of its products or services at any time. Notice of the last date of general commercial availability of the software and applicable support lifecycle policies and timelines for discontinuance shall be provided via email or written notification to customer