This API Service allows *Comergence Investor/Prospect Marketing customers, to retrieve required data related to active prospects. 

Visit Optimal Blue's Digital Marketplace by clicking HERE to register and access all API documentation. For more information please contact Optimal Blue Sales. 

*Customers must be subscribed to the Comergence Investor Marketing service to utilize this API.


Data TypeDescription
StringA sequence of characters. See API Documentation for more details, such as, maximum length of specific fields
IntegerMathematical values (Numbers). See API Documentation for more details
BooleanHas one or two possible values (Example, True or False)


This API service allows customers to create a New Prospect or retrieve All and/or Open Prospects. API also allows customers to get the needed data to assign the New Prospect(s) to an appropriate Account Assigned Person and Specific Business Channel. 


Field NameField TypeDescription
Address 1 (string, optional) Line 1 of the Street Address of the Location for which the Prospect was Created
Address 2 (string, optional) Line 2 of the Street Address of the Location for which the Prospect was Created
Assignee Name (string, optional) Name of Account Assigned User
Channel Name (string, optional) Customer Business Channel Name (Wholesale, Correspondent, etc.)
City (string, optional) City Location
Company Name (string, optional) Legal Name of Company
Company NMLS ID (integer, optional)  NMLS ID of Company
Created Date (string, optional) Prospect Creation Date
Location Name (string, optional) Legal Name of Location
Location NMLS ID (integer, optional) NMLS ID of Location
Location Type (string, optional) Type of NMLS Third Party Originator Location (HQ or BR)
State (string, optional) State
Status (string, optional) Customer Assigned Prospect Status
Zip (string, optional) Zip Code

Agencies (optional) Company Agency Data
Agency Name (string, optional) Name of Agency (VA, FHA, USDA, Freddie Mae, Etc.)
Approval Date (integer, optional) Effective Date of Agency Approval
End Date (integer, optional) Effective Date Agency Relationship Ended
Id Number (string, optional) ID Number Issued by Agency
Is Applicable (boolean, optional) Input Flag from Client Account Agencies (False); To Indicate if Agency approval is Applicable of Not 

Branch Contacts (optional) Branch Contact Data
City (string, optional) City Location of Branch Contact
Contact Type (string, optional) Used to sort contacts by groups
Designation (string, optional) Designation Name of Contact
*Email (string, optional) Email Address of BranchContact
First Name (string, optional) First Name of Branch Contact
Individual NMLS ID (integer, optional) Individual Originator NMLS ID of Branch Contact
Last Name (string, optional) Last Name of Branch Contact
Phone (string, optional) Phone Number of Branch Contact
State (string, optional) State Location of Branch Contact
Zip (string, optional) Zip Code Location of Branch Contact

Branch Data (optional) Branch Data
Address 1 (string, optional) Line 1 of the Branch Street Address
Address 2 (string, optional) Line 2 of the Branch Street Address
Branch Name (string, optional) Legal Name of Branch
Branch NMLS ID (integer, optional) Branch Location NMLS ID
City (string, optional) Branch City Location
Company NMLS ID (integer, optional) Headquarters NMLS ID of which the Branch Belongs
Country (string, optional) Branch Country Location
State (string, optional) Branch State Location
Zip (string, optional) Branch Zip Code Location

Company Data (optional) Company Headquarters Data
Address 1 (string, optional) Line 1 of the Headquarter Street Address
Address 2 (string, optional) Line 2 of the Headquarter Street Address
Business Structure (string, optional)The Organizational Type of the Company (Corporation, Sole Proprietorship, etc.). The Field will be NULL for Federally Fegistered Institutions that have not held a State License.
City (string, optional) Headquarter City Location
Client SID (integer, optional) System Generated Client Unique ID
Client UID (string, optional) Customer Entered Unique ID
Company Name (string, optional) Legal Name of Company
Company NMLS ID (integer, optional) Headquarter NMLS ID of the Company
Company Phone (string, optional) Company Phone Number
Country (string, optional) Headquarter Country Location
Date Formed (string, optional) Date Company was legally Organized
Dba Names (optional) "Doing Business As" Name(s); Name under which Company Operates that Differs from it's Legal, Registered Name.
Fax (string, optional) Company Fax Number
FDIC/NCUA Certification Number (string, optional) A Unique Number assigned by the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) or NCUA (National Credit Union Administration), used to Identify Institutions and for the issuance of Insurance Certificates
Fiscal Year End (string, optional) MM/DD of Fiscal Year End; referring to the Completion of a One-Year or 12 Month Accounting Period
Formation State (string, optional) State and Country in which the Corporation was Formed
MERS ID (string, optional) The Mortgage Identification Number (MIN) is a unique 18-Digit Number used to Track a Mortgage Loan throughout it's Life, from the Origination to Securitization to Payoff or Foreclosure. Created by the Mortgage Electronic Registration System (MERS)
Primary Federal Regulator (string, optional) Name of Primary Federal Agency which Regulates the Company
Registration Status (string, optional) Status of the company’s federal registration (Active or Inactive). 
State (string, optional) Headquarter State Location
Stock Symbol (string, optional) Stock Ticker Symbol for publicly traded company. Usually Letters Representing Particular Securities Listed or Traded Publicly. When a Company Issues Securities to the Public Marketplace, it selects a Ticket Symbol for its Shares. Investors and Traders use the Ticker Symbol to Place Trade Orders. 
Zip (string, optional) Headquarter Zip Code Location

Licenses (optional) License Data
Is Authorized (string, optional) Is Authorized to Conduct Business; 'Yes' or 'No' Designation of whether the License Authorizes the Company or Branch to do Business
Issue Date (integer, optional) Date on which License was First Approved
License ID (string, optional) Unique Identifier for the License by NMLS
License Number (string, optional) License Number Assigned by the Regulator
License Type (string, optional) The Name of the License, Type of License
NMLS ID (integer, optional) Company/HQ NMLS ID
Regulator (string, optional) Name of Regulating State or Territory that Issued the License
Renewed Through (string, optional) Renewed Through Year (YYYY); Upon Completion of Renewal this Field will be Updated to Show that the License has been Renewed for the Next Period. Shows 'None' for non-approved Licenses
Status (string, optional) Current Status of the License
Status Date (integer, optional) Effective Date of the Current Status of the License

Related Account (optional) Related Account Data
Name (string, optional) Legal Name of Company
NMLS ID (integer, optional) Headquarter NMLS ID of the Company

Location Status (optional) Location Status Data of the Prospect Location
Account Assignee First Name (string, optional) First Name of Account Assigned User
Account Assignee Last Name (string, optional)  Last Name of Account Assigned User
Approval Status (string, optional) Branch Location Current Relationship Status, per channel (Active, Inactive, Pending Renewal, etc.)
Approval Status Date (integer, optional)  Effective Date of Branch Location Current Relationship Status
Branch SID (integer, optional) System Generated Unique Branch ID
Branch UID (string, optional) Customer Entered Unique Branch ID
Channel Name (string, optional) Customer Business Channel name (Wholesale, Correspondent, etc.)

DBA Name (string, optional) "Doing Business As" Name; Name under which Company Operates that Differs from it's Legal, Registered Name.
DBA Name Type (string, optional)  "Doing Business As" Type (Prior Legal Name, Other Trade Name, etc.)
Regulator (string, optional) State or Federal Agency which Regulates the Company

Relationship Status (optional) Relationship Status Data of the Company (HQ)
Account Assignee First Name (string, optional) First Name of Account Assigned User
Account Assignee Last Name (string, optional) Last Name of Account Assigned User
Channel Name (string, optional) Customer Business Channel Name (Wholesale, Correspondent, etc.)
Channel SID (integer, optional) System Generated Unique Channel ID
Channel UID (string, optional) Customer Entered Unique Channel ID
Next Renewal Date (integer, optional) Current Renewal Date (Date Renewal Application will Launch if Auto Renewal is set 'ON')
Relationship Status (string, optional) Current Relationship Status, per Business Channel (Active, Inactive, Pending Renewal, etc.)
Status Change (integer, optional) Effective Date of Current Relationship Status

Custom Field (optional)Customer Custom Field Data. Allows Users to Enter Additional Information Related to Company
Display Order (integer) Custom Field Display Order
Editable (boolean) Shows If Field Can Be Editable after Saving the First Time (True/False)
Field Description (string, optional) Custom Field Description. Used to Describe  Additional Information Field 
Field Name (string) Custom Field Field Name; Title
Help Text (string, optional) Custom Field Help Text, Hover-text to Assist Users in Understanding the Purpose of the Additional Information Field
ID (integer) Custom Field Unique ID
Required (boolean) Is Custom Field Required to be Filled prior to Saving (True/False)
Values List (optional) Custom Possible Values
Visible (boolean) Flag To Indicate Visibility to Customer Users (True/False)

*Emails will only be returned for active relationships and/or investor marketing type contacts (added by the investor)