CSV's allow you to bulk import pre-made content into an account with an image and caption ready to go!


Creating Your CSV

The first step is to download our template (available at the bottom of this article).


Formatting Your CSV

At Least One of These Fields Must be Included:


This is the URL for any online content you would like to share. Blogs, Podcasts, Online Products, etc. Our system will pull the metadata for links, meaning the image and caption already associated with that link. However, you can still input your own caption into the Caption column if you would like to override the existing one.


This is the URL of an image you want to share. You can use sites such as Imgur or other free image hosting sites to upload your image. Once these images are loaded in, you will want to find the 'Direct Link' and paste it into the CSV Template.

Please Note: You cannot have both a link in both the "image" and "Link" columns for a single row of content. 

The "link" option is for sharing articles, where the link has an embedded image that would be brought in, and the link to the article would be embedded into the post for platforms that support that (FB, GBP. LI, and Twitter). For IG, it would just post the image associated with the article as links in captions are not available for that platform. 



This is going to be the text which appears below your content. You can add multiple captions in the Caption field by separating your captions with this divider: %|%


These Are The Optional Fields:


Title, Approved, Recycle

You must provide at least a link, image, or caption to be shared for each post. The Title, Approved, and Recycle fields are optional. They will default to the defaults set in your account settings if not provided.


Add an internal comment for your team by adding text to the optional Comment field. This can be viewed when you or a team member clicks on a content item.


Schedule the content by using the Schedule field in this format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm

For example, 2024-03-04 17:45 would equate to March 4th, 2024 at 5:45pm using the brand's default timezone.

Alternatively, you can just choose the desired day (for example: 2024-12-25) and we will automatically schedule the post for the statistically best time for that day, the content, and selected accounts.


You can also add a category to the CSV upload for category-based scheduling.



Categorize your new content by using the Category field in this format: Category 1, Category 2

Once you're done drafting up your content, export the spreadsheet as a CSV (comma-separated values) file.

TIP: Shorten Link

If you're sharing a link in the "Link" column, you can use the link shortener feature to automatically shorten that link into a "shaa.re" link.

This feature is especially useful when sharing links to LinkedIn, since LinkedIn will sometimes have trouble processing links in their natural state. Shortening links going to LinkedIn prevents any issues like that from happening.

To shorten your links, just provide either "TRUE" to shorten, or "FALSE" to not shorten in this column.


Importing Your CSV:


To import your content into the system, you will want to navigate over to your Content Library and select the gear icon in the center of your screen. From here you will click Upload CSV Content

From here you can either click to add or drag and drop your file into the system. You will also see the option to Toggle Advanced. This is where you can select your defaults as well as the category associated with the content you are loading in.


Select 'Upload Files' and your import will immediately be processed!