Linking Your Pinterest Account

As with all of your connected social profiles, you'll first need to connect Pinterest within your Brand Settings. Visit Connecting Accounts for more information on how to connect.

In order to specifically connect Pinterest, you'll need to follow these steps:

On Pinterest, log into the account you want to link.

Make sure you have at least one board created on that account. To check this, click on your profile picture in the top right to see your saved pins.

Since Pinterest operates a little differently than other social platforms, you can post content (or "pins") to one or more boards, not just to your Pinterest account/feed. Boards often contain pins pertaining to a certain topic. If you're unsure of what boards you'd like to create, we suggest that you create one board for each category that you have created within your Social Cloud workspace.

Setting Up Default Boards:

In your linked accounts, you'll see text that states how many boards are linked for each Pinterest account and how many are "default boards". Default boards act like default accounts in Social Cloud, meaning they are selected by default when you decide to create new content. Just like your other default social accounts, you can always change the selected boards when you create/schedule any specific piece of content.

Some Tips When Working With Pinterest Boards:

You can change your default boards by navigating to your linked accounts menu and clicking on the text that displays how many boards are linked for your Pinterest account. If you hover over the selected account profile picture icons for a piece of content or an auto-filled queue, you can see which boards are selected. When you first link a Pinterest account, the board that you posted to or edited most recently will automatically be selected as a default board.

With Pinterest, keep in mind that each individual Pinterest board in Social Cloud acts similarly to overall social accounts in other platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Anywhere that you can select a Pinterest account, such as when scheduling/posting content, you can change the boards selected for that Pinterest account.

If you select a Pinterest account when auto-filling queues, the boards that are selected in the autofill settings need to all be selected on a piece of content for it to be pulled in, in the same way that the other social media accounts selected in the autofill settings for a queue need to all be selected on the piece of content for it to be pulled in.

Other Notes and Tips:

The title of the content in the content library will actually post into Pinterest. This is different from the functionality with most other social media platforms. YouTube works similarly with the titles of videos posted. So, it's important to ensure the titles of your content are exactly the same as what you'd like to see posted to Pinterest for a public audience.

If you post to more than one board for an account at the same time, we will re-pin the post from one board to the others. This way, you'll see an aggregate engagement metric for the post (e.g. If someone finds the pin on your Travel board and comments on it there, you'd also see that comment if you look at the pin on your Real Estate board — if posted to both at the same time.