The recent posts section in Optimal Blue Social Cloud is a great way to see a consolidation of all recently published posts to your social landscape. We understand that engaging with and measuring the impact of individual posts is a critical part of social media management. Luckily, you can do all of this in one place!

How do I navigate to Recent Posts?

In the left-hand menu of the platform, in the Monitor section,  click the “Activity Feed” drop-down, and Recent Posts will be the first section. 

In Recent Posts you are able to filter for which social account(s) you would like to view, type of engagement and time of engagement, and platforms. Users can also search by keywords to locate specific post(s).

Select the 3 dots to take additional actions Manage Post to view engagement for the specific post selected. Manage Content to leave a comment, post now/schedule, edit or delete the Content. Copy Post to create a copy to your content library. And lastly, Back date the post to show the date it was originally supposed to be published on.

Tip: Compliance users may monitor recent activities and events from this section. If any potential compliance issues are identified, select the link above the post to view the post directly within the platform. From there, lenders can grab a screenshot and create a finding within their Optimal Blue Social Media Compliance platform. For more information on how to create and manage compliance findings, click HERE.

Please Note: Linkedin does not provide insights and recent posts for individual LinkedIn accounts.