During the scheduled maintenance window, we released the following items to the production environment for Realm.

  • Clients now have the ability to easily activate their loan originators as contacts, link existing contacts to their NMLS IDs, allowing contact records to auto update, and sync with NMLS. This new functionality will make it easier for clients to complete new contact setup. Please note, this functionality for clients was implemented for new features coming soon (Enhancement)
Link: Updating Contacts

  • Several enhancements for the client have been released related to the client documents tab. A visual indicator (icon) identifying outstanding requirements with a distinct message has been added for easy indication that documents are outstanding (even when no application is in progress). In addition, a document dashboard listing all lender document requirements is now available with links directly to each lender’s list of requirements. (Enhancement)
Link: Uploading Requested Documents

  • Client documents for inactive relationships are now grayed out with no status, making it easier for both client and lender to identify that outstanding documents are no longer required. In addition, the ability to upload new documents to Inactive/Terminated relationships has been removed for clients. Please note, lenders will still have the ability to upload documents for inactive/Terminated clients. (Enhancement)
Link: Uploading Requested Documents

  • Client Roles & Permissions have been added to allow clients the ability to assign roles for their users. This enhancement provides clients with more control to limit areas and functionality to users based on their role within the company. (Enhancement)
Link: Roles and Permissions 

  • Weekly Status Reports will now only be sent to clients which have an active/pending relationship with an active lender partner. (Bug fix)
Link: Weekly Status Report

  • Library tab has been relabeled, “My Library” to create more personalization for clients. (Enhancement)

 Partnered Lenders:

During the scheduled maintenance window, we released the following items to the production environment for Realm.
  • An improvement has been released to enhance account assignment functionality and visibility. Account assignments are based on assignment at the primary headquarters level. Application assignment is only for historical purposes, and will no longer override account assignment. (Enhancement)
Link: Assigning Accounts

  • Description is no longer required when discontinuing legacy documents from previous versions of Realm. (Data fix)

  • Individual Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) alerts that were created due to an NMLS data issue, have been removed. Affected lenders would have received alerts with NO DATA available. Mentioned alerts that were not closed by the lender, have been auto removed. (Data fix)

  • New API services are now available.
    • NMLS Clear View allows users to retrieve NMLS data at any given entity per request.
    • S.A.R.A. API Service provides the ability to retrieve a report on multiple compliance checks being run on a loan file for a specific state.
    • Customer TPO Data allows customers that use the Comergence third party origination platform "Realm" to retrieve required data related to counterparties they have relationships with.
Link: API

  • Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) Sponsorship Change Alerts will only be generated when an MLO leaves a company based on general sponsorship at company level. This change eliminates multiple alerts to be generated for lenders when an MLO has multiple licenses sponsored. (Enhancement)
Link: Alerts

  • Comergence has now grouped Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) employment history based on Company level sponsorship data from NMLS. (Enhancement)
Link: Client Company Information - Licenses

  • Mortgage and Financial Sanction findings travel with Mortgage Loan Originators (MLOs) to each company they work for. Mortgage Loan Originator (MLO) alerts have been enhanced to notify lenders when an MLO joins a company that has historical findings tied to them. This alert will assist lenders in identifying potential risk for an MLO that moves companies. In addition, historical findings will now also stay on the previous company scorecard (even after the MLO moves to the new company).

  • Additional visibility based on assignment has been added for assigned users at location level. Users that are assigned to a client location, will now have visibility to the client account. Validation has also been added, in the event the assigned user at location level is deactivated. This validation will ensure lenders can reassign location assignments before deactivating user. (Enhancement)

  • An improvement for lenders when re-assigning accounts, has been added. Lender will no longer be prompted if new assignee should also be assigned to all locations, when client account has no existing branch locations. (Enhancement)

  • As part of the Realm 4 to Realm 5 migration, Comergence created the ability for lenders to Review alerts. Since this functionality did not exist in previous version, Comergence marked existing findings as Reviewed based on the latest application Approve/Decline date. Company Mortgage and Financial Sanction findings, have now been updated using this same rule. This change will prevent lenders from duplicating work for findings, lenders have already looked over. (Enhancement)
Link: Reviewing Findings

  • Navigation - Back button within alerts has been corrected. (Bug fix)
  • For Lenders- Headquarters location is now excluded from Location assignment for channels. Headquarter location is already available at the main account level. (Enhancement)
Link: Assigning Accounts