During the scheduled maintenance window, we released the following items to the production environment with new features, services, and enhancements.




Enhanced Navigation - Client Channel Details

  • Client Channel Details section now has a cleaner appearance.
  • New meatball menu (ellipsis) to History, Comments, & Applications.
  • Introduced new icon for Renew option.
  • In line editing for Location status and assignments.
    • For more information, click HERE.


Applications Board Improvements

  • Application Board now provides the ability for investors to manage applications directly from the board.
  • In line editing for Alt Assigned and Optional Status.
  • Edit Application Status button added.
  • New meatball menu (ellipsis) to application History, Comments, & Print Package.
    • For more information, click HERE.


Application Summary Updated

  • The Application Summary page has been updated to truly reflect all required sections of the application.
  • AML Certification has been removed.
  • Origination Methods has been removed.
  • Added Application Status button and meatball menu to application print View, History, Comments, & Print Package.
    • For more information, click HERE.


NEW Client Account Sections Reviewed By

  • Investor can now see the age of the information updated/disclosed. 
  • These sections are required to be current for an application to be submitted.
  • Note: Each section will not show the 'Reviewed By' details until the client has marked the section reviewed for the first time.
    • For more information, click HERE.


Reviews updated to Due Diligence

  • Reviews was re-labeled to Due Diligence.
    • For more information, click HERE.


Alert Details Updated

  • The Alert Details have been updated to a standalone page with left panel client account navigation.
  • The IDs and Channels sections layout was reorganized.
  • Inline editing is now available for Alert status.
    • For more information, click HERE.


NEW Mark Documents Reviewed

  • Investors can now mark client documents Reviewed for tracking and auditing purposes.
  • This new feature is tied to the existing 'Manage Client' Documents permission.
  • Please Note: The documents stored in the History section uploaded before October 2021 will not have the mark reviewed option.
    • For more information, click HERE.


NEW Financials Beta - Mark Documents Reviewed

  • Investors now can mark financial documents Reviewed for tracking and auditing purposes.
    • For more information, click HERE.


Improved Questionnaire Statuses

  • Application questionnaire status is now complete when the applicant selects Done.
  • When a lender changes their question responses they will be required to select Done, at which time any required documents (based on their new question responses) will be requested.
    • For more information on viewing questionnaires per client, click HERE
    • For more information on viewing questionnaires from the questionnaire board, click HERE.





NEW Registration Page

  • The lender registration page has been updated with an easy-to-read layout.
    • For more information, click HERE.


NEW Application Wizard

  • The lender application steps have been replaced with a one-page Application Details screen which lists the investor questionnaire and all account sections.
  • Lenders can now review each section independently and can easily see the last time they reviewed each section and when an update/review is required.
  • Please Note: If lender submits their application details and the application is not yet decisioned, the application details will refresh showing the sections that require review.
    • For more information, click HERE.


NEW Client Account Sections Require Regular Review

  • These sections are required to be current for an application to be submitted.
  • Only sections that are not current will now be required to be reviewed prior to submitting an application.
    • For more information, click HERE.


Improved Application Questionnaires

  • Questionnaires associated to an application now require the lender to select Done if they go back and change their answers.
    • For more information, click HERE.


Home Page Updated

  • The Home page has been updated to reflect the new application details components and current status. 
    • For more information, click HERE.


NEW Social Inventory Permission

  • Lenders now have a separate permission for users that need access to View Social Inventory.
  • Note: This permission was previously tied to the Manage Compliance permission. Any users that had Manage Compliance will now automatically have the ‘View Social Inventory’ permission enabled.
    • For more information on this new permission, click HERE
    • For information on the Social Inventory feature, click HERE.
    • For information on updating Role Permissions for users, click HERE.



Lenders/ Investors



NEW Client Profile Section - Technology and Operations

  • This section has been added to all client accounts and gathers Technology and Operations details, such as Pricing Engine, Loan Origination System, Lending Types, etc.
  • Please Note: Investors that are currently gathering these details in a questionnaire or document can remove these as this information will now be gathered “out of the box”.
    • For information on how investors view this section, click HERE.
    • For information on how lenders view this section, click HERE.


Individual NMLS Page Updated

  • The Individual NMLS page has been converted to a standalone page.
    • For more information, lenders click HERE.
    • For more information, investors click HERE.


Application Print View Updated

  • The application print view has been updated to reflect the updated application details as well as display Submitted by and Submitted Date.
    • For more information, lenders click HERE.
    • For more information, investors click HERE.


REMOVED – Client Account Section - Origination Methods

  • These questions have been removed from the lender account.
  • Please Note: Investors that require these details can create their own custom questions within their questionnaire(s).


REMOVED - Account Wizard

  • After registering a new lender company account on www.comergence.com, lenders are no longer required to complete their account information upfront. This information will become required at the time they apply to their first investor.


REMOVED - Client Account Summary

  • Main account summary removed to improve navigation and loading times.


Bugs Fixes:

  • Global Search – Other Names search fixed.