This article provides guidance on how to properly link Business Instagram and Business Facebook pages which is required to connect to Optimal Blue Social Cloud. Following these steps will resolve Instagram permissions issues.

Create a Facebook Account

Create a Facebook Page

Create an Instagram Account

Link Facebook and Instagram account from Facebook or from Instagram

Switch to a Business Instagram Account


Create a Business Instagram Account and switch between my personal and business account

Link Business Instagram Account to your Business Facebook Page

Tips for SWITCHING to a Business Instagram from a Personal account:

  • Make sure your profile is set to Public! If your profile is currently set to Private on Instagram, you won’t be able to switch to a business profile.
  • If you don’t see your business’ Facebook Page as an option, make sure that you’re listed as an admin in the settings menu. Click HERE for instructions.
  • After switching, go back to your profile page and click “Edit your profile.” Here, you can add a photo, bio, and website link. If you switched from a personal account, consider changing the photo, name, and username to reflect your business.

Please note: You can always switch your account type back to a personal account however, each time you switch back to a personal account, your insights data on Instagram will be erased. Switch Back to a Personal Instagram Account From a Business Account

If using Instagram for both personal and business. It's a best practice to keep both separate. Here is how to navigate from one to the other - How do I add and switch between multiple Instagram accounts?