The below video provides an in-depth training on creating content and scheduling options.

Some key features for content creation:

Sourcing New Content:

Creating and curating content can be one of the most time-consuming facets of social media marketing.

We've partnered with Pexels, Instagram, and Google to make sourcing new content a breeze.

The best copyright and attribution free stock photos taken by talented creators from around the world.

Images already trending on Instagram from top influencers.

Top trending articles and blogs related to your brand or your client's brand.

Platform-Specific Captions:
Use a unique caption for each social channel (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc...).

Multiple Captions:
Add multiple captions to easily recycle or repurpose content on social media.  Our system will automatically cycle through the captions each time the content is posted starting with the first caption.

Store a list of commonly used hashtags to easily add them to any caption.

Choose on a per-content basis what content should be recycled and what content should only be posted once.

Repurposing or recycling social media content is a great way to increase exposure with no additional work.

On average, less than 5% of your followers will ever see a given post on social media.

By recycling the social media post, you can increase the exposure of a post to 12% - 15% of your followers.

Weekly Schedule and Drip Schedule:
Both of these schedules are backed by a queue allowing you to consistently post content to social media. 

They make it simple to stay consistent on social media and post content at the optimal time.  These are common weekly schedules that we've seen marketing have notable success with:

  • Monday Motivation
  • Wednesday Wisdom
  • Throwback Thursday
  • Team Member Thursday
  • Friday Riddles

While we've seen success with schedules that maintain a consistent themes, you can also use weekly schedules to build a consistent flow of content to social media at the days and times that are optimal for your followers.


An advanced feature that can be paired with weekly schedules to automate social media publishing.

It allows you to automatically add content that meets certain criteria to your schedule's queue.  You can auto-fill content that matches a particular category and you can choose the accounts you want to publish to (optional).

For example, you may have a schedule that posts every Monday at 8am. You can then auto-fill any content categorized as 'Monday Motivation' and choose for it to be posted to LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.