How to use CaptionAI to create multiple captions

Step 1: Select ‘Create Content’ from your Content Library to open the Content Creator window. From the ‘Captions’ tab, click the CaptionAI button:

Step 2: Enter a prompt for the caption(s) you wish to generate. In addition, you can select which platform you would like the caption for, choose the tone and how many captions you would like to be generated by CaptionAI. Don’t forget to include hashtags and emojis by toggling these on:

Step 3: Click ‘Submit’, CaptionAI will generate the captions for you to choose from.


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Our CaptionAI feature allows writers to generate unique captions while providing the ability to modify and maintain originality and authenticity in their work.

Once you choose the caption(s) you would like to use, you are able to edit the caption to your liking and click "Save Captions" to add to your post:

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How to Create high quality captions in a fraction of the time!

Prompts for CaptionAI should be instructional and convey intended context and outcome. Crafting a well-structured prompt is key to obtaining the desired caption(s). Content writers need to add all necessary details so CaptionAI can consider all suggestions including:

  1. Writing style
  2. Target audience
  3. Topic(s)
  4. Purpose & Objectives

Pro Tip: Define any restrictions, such as content length or topic(s) you want the AI to avoid.

Creating a variety of social media content topics is essential for developing an active audience but we know that takes time. Allow CaptionAI to help reduce your effort, saving you precious time and resources.

Below we provide generic prompt ideas as well as specially crafted examples to help get you started on your posting journey!

Prompts for Promotional Posts

Example Promotional Prompt: “Write a social media caption that generates leads for ACME Mortgage that specializes in reverse loans. Use language that targets customers that are looking to move into retirement and highlight the benefits that a reverse mortgage offers.”

CaptionAI Results:

Generic Promotional Prompt Ideas:

  • Write a social media caption that generates leads for {{ product/service }}. Use language that targets {{ ideal customer }}, and highlight the benefits that {{ product/service }} offers.
  • Write a social media caption that drives traffic to {{ website }}. Use language that creates curiosity and encourages customers to click through to learn more.
  • Create a promotional social media caption for an article about {{ topic }}.
  • Write a social media caption promoting a {{ type of event + date }}. Use language that creates excitement and encourages customers to register or attend.
  • Write a social media caption by finishing this paragraph: We are launching {{ product name }} to help you {{ benefit }}. Use language that emphasizes the product’s unique features and benefits and create excitement around the launch.
  • Write a social media caption to encourage customers to leave a review for {{ product name }}.
  • Write a social media caption that features customer testimonials or reviews for {{ product name }}.
  • Write a social media caption that targets {{ specific audience }} and explains how {{ product name }} can help them.

Prompts to help reach desired CTA (Call to Action) or text prompt that encourages your audience to take a specific action

Example CTA Prompt: “Write a social media caption promoting the Mortgage Banking Association conference in October of 2024. Use language that creates excitement and encourages customers to register. Let the audience know that our company will be in attendance and if they would like to meet the team to click the provided link to book time with us.”

CaptionAI Results:

Generic CTA Prompts:

  • Write a social media caption targeting {{ ideal customer persona }} with valuable {{ specific type of content }} who can encourage them to take {{ desired action }}.
  • Write a social media caption with a call to action for a {{ product }} that gets the reader to {{ action }}.
  • Write a social media caption asking your followers to share their favorite {{ related topic }}.
  • Write a social media caption asking your audience to share their thoughts or experiences related to {{ topic }}, and encourage discussion in the comments.
  • Write a social media caption with a thought-provoking question related to {{ topic }}, and encourage your audience to share their thoughts or opinions.
  • Write a social media post asking a question about {{ topic }}
  • Write a social media caption for the following poll/quiz:
  • Write a social media caption announcing a live Q&A session about {{ topic }}. 
  • Write a social media caption for the following quiz that helps customers find the perfect {{ product }} for {{ their needs }}:
  • Write a social media caption for the following trivia quiz related to {{ industry }}:

Prompts for Fun & Creative Posts

Example Fun & Creative Prompt: “Write a social media caption that pokes fun at the common mistake people make by thinking they can’t afford a home when there are plenty of first time home buyer programs.”

CaptionAI Results:

Generic Fun & Creative Prompt Ideas:

  • Write a social media caption mentioning a fun fact about {{ topic }}
  • Write a social media caption that includes a riddle about {{ topic }}.
  • Write a social media caption with a challenge to encourage people to {{ activity }}.
  • Write a social media caption that pokes fun at a common {{ industry }} stereotype or misconception.
  • Write a social media caption that highlights a funny pun or play on words related to {{ products/services or industry }}.

Prompts for Educational Posts

Example Educational Prompt: “Write a social media caption mentioning a little-known fact about home buyer rights.”

CaptionAI Results:

Generic Educational Prompts:

  • Write a social media caption based on the following statistic/information:
  • Write a social media caption mentioning a little-known fact about {{ topic }}.
  • Write a social media caption that includes a how-to about {{ topic }}.
  • Write a social media caption explaining the importance of {{ topic }}.
  • Write a short social media caption answering the following question:
  • Write a “tips and tricks” social media caption about {{ topic }}.
  • Write a social media caption that discusses the don’ts of {{ topic }}.
  • Write a social media caption about the history of {{ topic }}.
  • Write a social media caption sharing a surprising or unexpected fact about {{ topic }}.
  • Write a social media caption explaining why {{ product }} is becoming increasingly important in {{ field }}, and how it can help improve {{ outcome }}.
  • Write a social media caption discussing the potential benefits and drawbacks of {{ practice/tool }}, and weigh the pros and cons.
  • Write a social media caption providing real-world examples of how {{ practice/tool }} is being used in {{ industry }} and its impact on {{ demographic }}.
  • Write a social media caption addressing common misconceptions or questions related to {{ topic }}, and provide clarification.
  • Write an “FAQ” social media caption to answer a common question related to {{ topic }}, and provide a brief explanation or summary.
  • Write a social media caption providing advice or guidance on how to {{ action }}, and address common challenges or concerns.

Prompts for Inspirational Posts

Example Inspirational Prompt: “Write an inspiring social media caption about how a young man overcome poverty and bad credit and was able to turn his life around and buy a home for his family. Avoid the word poverty and be sensitive to others in similar situations.”

CaptionAI Results:

Generic Inspirational Prompts:

  • Make a social media caption sharing an inspiring success story about {{ topic }}.
  • Write an inspiring social media caption about how to overcome {{ challenge }}.
  • Create a social media caption to share a motivational message for {{ ideal customer persona }}.

Prompts for Company-Related Social Media Posts

Example Company Related Prompt: “Write a caption sharing the success story about how our President, John Smith, of ACME Mortgage, was able to build a mortgage company from nothing into an industry leader within 5 years.”

CaptionAI Results:

Generic Company Related Prompts:

  • Write a happy birthday social media caption for an {{ Employee }}..
  • Write a social media caption reinforcing the following {{ mission/values }}.
  • Write a social media caption to celebrate {{ milestone }} related to {{ company name }}.
  • Generate a social media caption to promote a sponsored event for {{ type of activity }}.
  • Write a social media caption to recognize and celebrate {{ achievements }} of {{ employee role and name }}.
  • Write a social media caption to showcase the creativity and innovation of employees at {{ company name }} through {{ project }}.
  • Write a social media caption that talk about {{ team member }} and highlights their contributions to the company within {{ department }}.
  • Create a caption for a social media video that takes the followers behind the scenes of creating {{ event/product/ providing services }}.
  • Create a social media caption that shows the company’s commitment to sustainability and eco-friendliness in its operations and products.
  • Write a social media caption that showcases the company’s commitment to employee development and training.

Prompts for Social Media Holiday Posts

Example Holiday Prompt: “Create a fun social media post celebrating Christmas. Put a mortgage related spin on it and make it rhyme.”

CaptionAI Results:

Generic Holiday Prompts:

  • Create a fun social media caption celebrating {{ holiday }}.
  • Craft a social media caption talking about how {{ holiday }} was created.
  • Write a social media caption that includes a list of {{ holiday }} movies.
  • Create a social media caption describing a {{ holiday }} classic movie without sharing the name and ask the audience to guess.
  • Write a social media caption about {{ holiday }} must-haves.
  • Write a social media caption for a photo of {{ holiday }} office decorations.
  • Write a social media caption sharing heartwarming story for the {{ holiday }} season.
  • Write a social media caption about {{ holiday }} recipes.
  • Create a social media caption about unknown {{ holiday }} facts.
  • Create a social media caption that features songs to listen to during {{ holiday }}.
  • Create a social media caption that encourages followers to share their favorite {{ holiday }} memories or photos using a branded hashtag.
  • Write a social media caption that offers tips and suggestions for hosting a {{ holiday }} party or gathering.
  • Create a social media caption that features a {{ holiday }}-themed charitable initiative or volunteer opportunity.
  • Write a social media caption that highlights different ways to give back or make a positive impact during {{ holiday }}.
  • Generate a social media caption that features a {{ holiday }}-themed joke.