This article will guide users through how to add content to their content library, so they may share content to their linked social media accounts.

Please also visit our training tutorial on Creating and Scheduling Content.

Navigate to the Content Library and click 'Create Content'.

Give your content a title. This will help keep your content organized and easily searchable. Likewise, without a title you may experience posting issues for certain platforms.

Please Note: The title of the content in the content library will actually post into Pinterest. This is different from the functionality with most other social media platforms. YouTube works similarly with the titles of videos posted. So, it's important to ensure the titles of your content are exactly the same as what you'd like to see posted to Pinterest or YouTube for a public audience.

Select the media type for this new piece of content. You can choose between an image, video, or link as the media type.

Once your media is uploaded, click 'Next Step'.

Write out a caption for your piece of content and click 'Next Step'.

You can create platform-specific captions via the steps here. Creating platform-specific captions will also allow you to tag other social media pages or accounts. Also, visit CaptionAI for the fastest way to generate high quality captions.

To add hashtags to your caption, click the # icon to preload groups of commonly used hashtags. For more details, check out this article. You can also add emojis by clicking the emoji icon.

Tag your piece of content with a category, or create a new category. Categories help you organize your content and automate your posting. Click 'Next Step'. For more information, visit What's the best way to organize my Content?

Choose the accounts you want this piece of content to publish to and click 'Save Content'. For more information, visit Default Specific Content to Post to Specific Accounts.

This content will still need to be scheduled in order for it to post. If you've already created an autofill schedule based on the category tagged, go to schedules on the left-hand menu to confirm the content was added to the schedule.

You just created a piece of content! This content can be edited at any time from the content library.